Become a Sponsor
2025 JPOS Sponsorship Levels and Benefits
2024 Printed Map 6000+ copies distributed • Digital Map 2000+ users in September • JPOS Website 6,379 users, 11,000+ sessions
Lead Sponsor
- Website listing and link
- Social media post
- Text listing in printed and digital map
- Social media spotlight and business statement
- Ad on the JPOS digital map
- Social media spotlight including photo and business statement
- Full page ad in the JPOS printed map and banner ad on the digital map
- Website listing and link
- Social media post
- Text listing in printed and digital map
- Social media spotlight and business statement
- Ad on the JPOS digital map
- 1/2 page ad in the JPOS printed map
- Social media spotlight including photo and business statement
- Website listing and link
- Social media post
- Text listing in printed and digital map
- Social media spotlight and business statement
- Ad on the JPOS digital map
- 1/4 page ad in the JPOS printed map
- Website listing and link
- Social media post
- Text listing in printed and digital map
- Social media spotlight and business statement
- 1/8 page ad in the JPOS printed map
- Website listing and link
- Social media post
- Text listing in printed and digital map
*A portion of the amount at the $500 level and above may be taken as a tax-deductible contribution to a charitable organization. JPAC will provide a receipt for your records.
*A 20% discount is offered for 3-year pre-paid commitments at the Supporter level and up.